The garden that just won't quit.

Nov 11, 2008 22:34

Even after all these years, I'm still amazed by the weather in Southern California. When it comes to agriculture, I think Southern California should have a motto: "Just add water." I thought I was going to have some time off from the garden this Fall, but it just won't quit. This weekend I picked another big batch of tomatillos, zucchini, a few tomatoes and eggplants, and I even found a few ripe raspberries. Our huge shade tree is still as green as it was in July, and it all just makes it feel surreal around here. I keep thinking about Fall like it's something that's going to happen in the future, because there's no visual cues that it's almost mid-November. Some pictures:

Artichokes taking over where some watermelon actually did quit... and check out those monstrous tomatoes in the background. They're spilling out of their beds and growing together over our walkways:

Endless zucchini:

The last cucumber? Maybe, but then again that's what I thought when I picked the cucs a few weeks ago:

C'mon little green tomato, you can do it!

I wish these darn persimmons would hurry up and ripen:

Random picture of my man, being handy:

A random picture of Fat Girl, helping Greg draw the plans for our garage:

And then there's our other little project, the backyard vino. Pressing the grapes was not fun. If this works out, I'm getting a real press next year. Here's me, topping up one of the carboys where the juice will ferment awhile longer:

All set. At least we have another 3 weeks or so before we have to mess with it again, and at least the next steps in the process won't be nearly as time-consuming as pressing.

I'm tired. When does Fall start?
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