Oct 07, 2004 22:01
yuppp...its official. shes dying, and there is absolutely nothing i can do about it. it still hasnt hit me yet tho, but it kind of is. i mean, its so horrible, to think that in like a month or a couple of months shell be gone. its just so hard to think about, you know? like i just cant think of her not being alive. wow i sound REALLY stupid, but its true.
well, i went to the open house tonight and tryed to keep my mind of things, and it was really fun. madgricals hahahahaha up down up down! and stephanie straface and natalia and me all think jamie alimorad is like stuck up and thinks hes the shit, and he does, he thinks hes like gods gift to the world, and stephanie goes, his hair looks like a giant ball of pubic hair! hHHHAHHA every time i look at him now i think of that its soo funny... and when we sang in the cafeteria there was the french club selling food and stuff, and i go I AM SO HUNGRY! I WANT TO EAT THE BAKED GOODS! THEY ARE STARING AT ME!! and then me and brooke stole food from the french club, and theyre like hey! u cant take those cupcakes! and were like but theyre free! and the guys like yeah, free for the FRENCH CLUB. haah we should have just lied. so we took like two cupcakes each and ran away....and then we got home and my dad told me to be really nice to mom since shes going through so much..which has put me back in that horrible crying mood that i am in. ughh.... now i have to go do 300 crunches. ive started this thing i start with 50, and add on 50 every night. it seems to be working....well ill find out in like a month and if my abs are the same ill know i wasted my effort but for now, there is still a tiny prick of hope. ok i gg...WHY do all teachers give homework on open house night??!?!! oh man..