#54 In Gabon Culture, Children born within marriage belong to their fathers; women are expected to have children before marrying so they will still have something should the couple separate.
#55 The
Mosuo people of China practice a form of courtship and sexual interaction anthropologists have called walking marriage, which consists basically of women being completely free to
sleep with whomever they like, with children being cared for by the woman's family -- her brothers being paternal figures. Biological paternity is a non-issue. Every night is seen as an independent event, with no expectation of permanence or even continuity.
Read more:
Culture of Gabon - history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs, family http://www.everyculture.com/Cr-Ga/Gabon.html#b#ixzz1r306tubL #56 Among the Canela, "Virginity loss is only the first step into full marriage for a woman." There are several other steps needed before the Canela society considers a couple to by truly married, including the young woman's gaining social acceptance through her service in a "festival men's society," which includes sequential
sex with fifteen to twenty members (no pun intended) and "the mother in law's receipt of meat earned by the bride through extramarital sex" on a festival day.
Got that? Part of the marrying process is group sex followed by a gift to the mother-in-law-to-be of meat gained in exchange for sexual shenanigans with men other than the husband-to-be.