We're ok, thank goodness. Tornadoes didn't get us!

May 05, 2011 17:20

Just got internet service back literally five minutes ago from the storms last Wednesday. I feel like an addict getting my drugs back. LOL.

We were without power for almost four days, obviously without internet for over a week, and we lost everything in our fridge and deep freeze. We lost a weeks worth of work between Ricky and I, so bills this month are going to be interesting to say the least (especially with having to replace food lost as well). I'm planning on selling most of my silver and gold jewelry to try and recoup the lost work money. I don't have much, but even $20 is better than nothing at this point. I can't use vacation days because I haven't been with work long enough to get vacation yet.

But we were EXTREMELY LUCKY compaired to the other towns just down the road from us. The National Guard is here and you have to have passes to get into some of the little towns. Cordova, Argo, and Sipsey were hit EXTREMELY hard. Downtown Jasper is a mess. People are still needing food, clothing, water and cleaning supplies donated. Some towns were completely wiped out. GONE. One of the guys Ricky works with lost his house.

It got really scary here. We were without power and had no idea when it would be back on. Then a rumor started around Jasper saying the water plant didn't have enough electricity to power the pumps and filters, and we were going to lose water service as well.

I have never been more thankful for power, water, and cable. We didn't even have cell phone reception. No one could call anyone the first couple of days.

This month is going to be HARD financially. We'll make it somehow. I'm just thankful to be alive at this point. The tornado that hit Argo was headed STRAIGHT for my house. They announced it on the news "intersection of 78 highway and 69 highway. Literally about 60 ft from my driveway. And it turned and wiped out Argo instead.

VERY THANKFUL. This past week has been like living in a movie.

Some links to our local paper:

And a picture gallery of our community.
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