Dec 01, 2012 04:59
Today, December 1st, is World AIDS Day. I've tried twice now to write a short essay about many lost friends and about Kansas City's own pretty magnificent response to a disease that swept through our community as it did through cities across the country and the world. Facebook keeps locking up on me, however, and I'm not going to try again to recreate the essay or dwell much longer on those times. I have a small glass of my best brandy right here beside me, though, and in a moment, I'll drain it in a toast to remembered friends. Then I'll take a second drink for all the performers and volunteers and organizers and activists who've done whatever they could to raise awareness and money and save lives. Then, I'll take a third and final drink as I make a wish this will all end someday. To those gone -- rest well. To those tireless volunteers and organizers -- thank you. And until we have a cure -- be smart.
(Reposted from my Facebook page.)