Dec 21, 2010 20:27
I'm sitting in a Barnes & Noble coffeeshop as I write this. I've got my netbook, a cup of scalding hot cinnamon tea, and all my Christmas shopping is done. Diana's wandering around finishing her shopping, and Ron is is off doing his last-minute shopping. Life is good.
A number of things are finally coming together. For the first time in a while, I finally feel the fire to write again. I've done some good work in the short fiction arena - maybe some of my best work ever - over the last handful of years. But I haven't gotten it together to actually finish a novel, despite several starts. It's been five years since my last novel, and except for those short stories, I've disappeared from the shelves. Now I'm determined to change that. If it takes a pseudonym, fine by me. I don't know if it will, but I'm prepared for it.
Teaching is over. It was a facinating semester, and I enjoyed it, just as I did the last time. I'll miss my students and the daily interaction with my department associates. But in fact, adjunct teaching is a ton of work for limited pay, and it cut deeply into writing time. I don't regret it at all, and I benefitted from it. But it's time to move on.
I'm dealing with a health issue again - a blood clot in my left leg that has me on coumadin. Screw it - it's not slowing me down too much. More an aggravation. But I'm also adjusting to something kind of wonderful. I'll save that for another post.
Time to move on from B&N, too, it seems.