Apr 18, 2010 19:26

Here's a sneak peak at the cover of my new poetry collection, ZOMBIES IN OZ AND OTHER UNDEAD MUSINGS. The book is officially a June release, but will be launched at the ConQuest science fiction convention in Kansas City on Memorial Day weekend. Publisher is Yard Dog Press; price is eight bucks cheap.

Some of the pieces in this collection were first staged as "guerilla performance art" at Conestoga in April last year to much laughter and amusement and considerable "WTF???" Along with the title piece, "Zombies In Oz," You'll find such wonders as "The Love Song of J. Alfred Zombie," and "O Captain, My Captain! - Or, Eat Me, Walt Whitman."

You'll laugh; you'll cry -- you'll kiss eight bucks goodbye.

zombies, poetry, yard dog press

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