The National Fantasy Fan Federation - N3F

Jul 13, 2009 23:48

It's been something of a week for nostalgia, particularly of the fhannish variety.  This is largely, but not entirely, due to some discussion on the mail list of the Kansas City Science Fiction and Fantasy Society.  Old friends have passed away recently - Julie Hise and Ken Moore - and even older friends have resurfaced, either by phone or by email.  During one conversation, the National Fantasy Fan Federation came up.  The person with whom I was speaking assured me that the organizaiton was long defunct, and I let it go.  But with time on my hands tonight, I decided to google the N3F, as it was affectionately nick-named.  To my delight, I found that, far from being defunct, the organization is still running and maintains a website.

Founded in 1941 at the urging of Damon Knight, the N3F is one of the very oldest organizations for science fiction & fantasy fans.  My mentor and "grandfather," Bob Tucker, was president of the organization in 1943, and during his annual visits to my home, over bourbon and cigars, he told many tales of the "good 'ol days" of fandom, many of which mentioned the N3F.  Another of my dearest fan-friends, Martha Beck, was also a longtime member.  Indeed, their membership roles contained many notables - E.E. Evans, E.E. "Doc" Smith, Tom Manning, Forry Ackerman, David Keller, Robert Bloch, and a lot more.

One of their longtime activities is an annual short story contest for amateur writers, "amateur" being defined as no more than two previously published stories.  The first-place prize is $100.  This year's contest is being judged by Jeff Redmond, and the deadline is in December if anyone here wants to consider entering.  Check out the website for further details.

Mostly, I'm just totally charmed that the N3F is still around and functioning.  I registered tonight for their chat forums, and both Diana and I will probably join in the next week or so (as medical bills shake out).  Not that the dues are that much.  I'd be pleased and proud to be a member of any group that once included Bob Tucker.  After all, although I am a total science fiction professional, I'm also a total science fiction fan.  I wear my beanie with my head held high.

Check out this venerable fan organization at

nostalgia, fandom, national fantasy fan federation, bob tucker

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