So I am gonna start trying to post here a little more again and hopfully not just about parenting stuff, although that is what the majority of my free time is spent on these days. Since I know some people are not as interested in that or find it to be TMI, I will try to put things behind cuts with the topic listed.
This may be a little long as there are several things I want to touch on...
- For anyone still following the saga of the vacant house next door - the home owner's 20 something son has now moved in. Still very little furniture and he is often gone but we do see his car there fairly regularly so things have gotten a little better. I think they are hanging onto it for when he is ready to settle down or something.
- So I am now 24 weeks along and I am feeling more and more clumsy and bloated as each day passes. While I am not nausious this time around (thank goodness) I do have fairly constant heartburn. I really need to get up out of this office chair and try to walk 3x a week and I think about it often, but never seem to find the time or motivation. We know its going to be a boy, but still have not figured out a name.
- The poor little guy is going through so many changes all at once. We have recently really stepped up the potty training and he is now mostly out of pullups (except for complex trips where we are unsure of potty availabiliy). Its been 4 days now since we dumped the pullups and while we still have a LOT of accidents, he manages to pee in the potty at least once a day, so its a start. Then in July he will become a big brother and stop going to his Auntie's house during the workday. I will be on Maternity Leave thru FMLA which means I only get 70% of my paycheck, so I will keep him at home. C will take Paternity for a few weeks too, so we can all get settled to the changes. Then in August, Ian will turn 5 and later that month will start Kindergarden. We have applied for the lotto to get him into a charter school, but if we don't get him in, then he will go to the neighborhood school which is pretty good too. He is a self-taught reader and already doing 1st grade math so we will try to keep up the momentum and encourate his interest in learning.
- With Ian starting school, I am preparing myself to make him lunches. Especially since he is such a picky eater and I have little faith in the adequacy of public school nutrition. I need to get some hot food containers and he has already picked out a lunch bag he wants with the alphabet all over it (of course). We will have to see if I can manage that with working and a newborn.
Well, I think that covers about everything for a little bit. I did not touch on work as that is just SSDD.