i can't no, I can't no, I can't no no no, i can't no , i can't get no sat-tis-fac-shun...oh no, i can't get no, no no no, I can't get no, no, no sat-tis-fac-shun...
i know you work in a forties club, and are younger than me, but the Rolling Stones ARE still touring, you little girl
Hey now, you have to admit that was mighty cryptic. I think of Sympathy For The Devil first when I think of the Stones, anyway.
pleased to meet you hope you guessed my name
...and it's easily the best. In my opinion it makes up for Mick's hubris and grotesqueness. Plus all that excessive repetition.
Also, while I'm venting my opinion, I absolutely love and admire Charlie, even more now that I've read his Wiki article. I could see that secret behind his eyes when I first laid eyes on him, in a music video, yes, sorry, but again I've never been a Stoneser. With every glance he says "this is my day job."
You may know the story to this quote: "Don't ever call me your drummer again. You're my fucking singer."
Absolutely brilliant.
And that, my dear, is why one must never assign me a pigeonhole. I do not fit into single boxes or zodiac slices. Sorry.
Yipes, I read this over again and realized I sound a bit curt, which I didn't mean to do at all!! I don't know what it is about writing late at night, but I start sounding all hoity-toity. Sorry about that.
thanks, ya see, it just went into the essay. i got satisfaction over my mother by not screaming and moaning and crying out and it was a turning point in my life as a woman (at 15? i was bleeding...) of dignity. dignity is my most sought after human "emotion". emotion isn't the right word, but melissa will know the right one. i think attribute might be right.
like when i was nine and the radios were all blarking(see footnote) "help me Rhonda" by the beach boys who I have always hated and even then i grokked it meant terrible things, if i was hearing the words right, "help me rhonda helphelp me rhonda, helpme get her out of my life, help me get this girl out of my life...' (paraphrase). man,i was nine and wanted to scream, 'you don't use one woman to get another one out of yr life, you creep!
footnote: "blarking: a combination between blaring and barking, made up by yrs truly.
aw, i wasn't puttin' ya down, honest...you are one of my heroines....i'm sorry ya took it that way, i was jockin' wich u, cuz yr my friend. i'm not a stones fan, though at one time i was when i was 17 and i love stray cat blues, there was this girl, see, and she was to melt over...
"Mick, you lied." - ???
get no sat-tis-fac-shun...oh no, i can't get no, no no no, I can't get no, no, no sat-tis-fac-shun...
i know you work in a forties club, and are younger than me, but the Rolling Stones ARE still touring, you little girl
pleased to meet you
hope you guessed my name
...and it's easily the best. In my opinion it makes up for Mick's hubris and grotesqueness. Plus all that excessive repetition.
Also, while I'm venting my opinion, I absolutely love and admire Charlie, even more now that I've read his Wiki article. I could see that secret behind his eyes when I first laid eyes on him, in a music video, yes, sorry, but again I've never been a Stoneser. With every glance he says "this is my day job."
You may know the story to this quote:
"Don't ever call me your drummer again. You're my fucking singer."
Absolutely brilliant.
And that, my dear, is why one must never assign me a pigeonhole. I do not fit into single boxes or zodiac slices. Sorry.
i think attribute might be right.
like when i was nine and the radios were all blarking(see footnote) "help me Rhonda" by the beach boys who I have always hated and even then i grokked it meant terrible things, if i was hearing the words right, "help me rhonda helphelp me rhonda, helpme get her out of my life, help me get this girl out of my life...' (paraphrase). man,i was nine and wanted to scream, 'you don't use one woman to get another one out of yr life, you creep!
footnote: "blarking: a combination between blaring and barking, made up by yrs truly.
i'm not a stones fan, though at one time i was when i was 17 and i love stray cat blues, there was this girl, see, and she was to melt over...
tell me yr not mad at me...pretty please...
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