Apr 25, 2008 22:53
Just because Ily.
And Anika will prolly worship me for it =]
This is going to be sooooooooo random.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"The baby, sir. Your wife is about to have your son."
"It's what happens at the end of a woman's pregnancy."
Dr. Brendon Urie rolled his eyes at the frazzled man. He had never seen anyone so surprised in his life. His wife was sitting on the hopsital bed, breathing deeply, but otherwise completly calm. It was quite unnerving, really, to see someone who knew about the pain of birth being so calm and the one who's only job was to make sure he exploded in her ass be so hyped up.
"I fucking know! I didn't graduate fucking high school for nothing!"
"Sir, please calm down," Brendon said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's more pain for your wife than it is for you. You know you don't have to watch."
The man opened his mouth and left. His wife rolled her eyes.
"Such a help he is," she said, still breathing heavly. "By the way, I'm Natalie."
"Brendon," Brendon said, smiling as he checked the clipboard. "By the looks of it, Natalie, you're only four centemeters... The baby's going to have a long wait. Let me just call my nurse."
He punched a few keys on a remote on his desk and a young man walked in. He was wearing a very un-nursley outfit with grey skinnies and a pink shirt that said boldly, "Let Love Be Free"
"You called, Dr. Urie?" he said in a slightly bored voice.
Brendon flinched. "Spencer, call me Brendon. I've told you a million times before."
Spencer snapped his gum. "Righteo. You're the boss man. Oh, PS? You got a new intern. His name's... James or something. I dunno. I'll go get him."
He spun on his heel and walked out.
"He's a help too," Brendon said, pointing at the closed door. "I hired him because he's a laugh."
Natalie smiled just as Spencer walked in with another young man who looked just older than Brendon. He was quite attractive, Brendon noted with a smile inside his head.
"Hello," Brendon said politely, extending his arm. The man took it.
"Dr. Urie?" he asked, a little nervously. "I'm Jon Walker."
"I knew it wasn't James!" Spencer said from the door.
Suddenly Natalie cried out and Brendon was pulled bad to earth.
"Okay, you look about... holy shit, ten centemeters already! I think this baby's coming out soon!"
"Oh fuck," Natalie said as she held the pillow. "If this doesn't kill me, my dad sure will!"
"Jon," Brendon said seriously. "I'm going to teach you to deliver a baby."
Jon looked nervous but then a flicker of confidence swam across his face.
"Let's go."
"Okay, you are not naming a baby Apple, Natalie, you're not Gwennith Paltrow."
Brendon looked back at the arguing couple. He and Jon had retreated to the other side of the room to stay out of it.
"We wern't expecting a girl, and you said if it was a girl I could name it, Quin! You promised!"
Brendon mouthed the words, let's go to Jon and they both crept out. Brendon shut the door as quitely as he could and the two walked off toward the secretary desk. Brendon's secretary, Ryan, looked up and smiled.
"Hey guys," he said. "Jon, will your sister be here... oops, um, I mean... Nevermind."
He blushed.
"Sister?" Brendon asked, slightly confused.
"Calvin," Jon said. "Ryan's liked her since forever."
"Calvin Walker? The children's nurse?"
Ryan nodded and buried his head under a stack of papers. Brendon knew who she was. She was tall and blond with a exuberent personality. Brendon liked her.
Well. Not liked her liked her. But he liked her.
Then a thought struck him.
"You know eachother?"
Jon smiled. "Yup. Since I was three and Ryan was one. Calvin was like, three months."
"Eight and a half," Ryan's voice said from under the papers. Brendon and Jon laughed.
Just then, a tall young woman with short brown hair came bouncing out, arm in arm with Calvin.
"Hey!" Calvin chirped. Brendon saw Ryan shrink down into his chair. The burnette went over and pecked Jon's cheek.
"Heeey Jooooony," she said in a quirky, happy voice and they linked arms. Brendon felt his heart crash to the floor.
Jon had a girlfriend.
"Where's Ryan?" Calvin asked. "I want to see if he has the paperwork on the new twins."
Ryan jumped up. "Right here!" he screamed, holding up two peices of paper, running around the desk, tripping, falling and landing right on Calvin, knoccking her down where Ryan fell again right on her boobs.
"This is comfy!" Calvin said, laughing. Ryan got up, dropped the papers and ran back behind his desk.
"Sorry," he mumbled. Brendon could practically hear him blushing.
"It's fine," Calvin said, kicking out a blue legginged leg. "Oh, Brendon, I need to talk to you.
brendon urie jon walker