it snowed last week, I took some early morning pictures as proof:
I pulled out some leftover yarn from the sweater I made for Faith and delved into a whole new realm of knitting: fair aisle=when you use one color for some stitches, and another color for some other stitches, and carry the unused color behind the work. unfortunately that hat turned out to be too big, even for my supa-large head. oh well, it was great practice
work continues on the mixed berry socks (sorry, no image available at this time), but mostly I've been sewing. sewing. sewing. sewing. making this duvet cover that is eating my life. this is what it looked like this morning, then a many hours later:
it will be done thursday. all that's left is sewing the backing to the fronting (pictured above right)...must remember to leave an opening to put the duvet through. will probably add buttons or snaps or ties or something to close up the whole later...I just want it done enough so that it can go in my room.
went yarn shopping and fabric shopping yesterday. it was grand.