Feb 11, 2008 02:35
So I'm really good at alienating people...
Let me back up... my ex roommate, we'll just call him "Ware", excommunicated me from our group of friends at the local bar/karaoke lounge. The reason is far too long of a story for me to type. In a nutshell, he got involved in a private matter of mine, and the result of his actions made me a bit of a pariah. All of my bar buddies suddenly hated me, and essentially gave me the cold shoulder.
OK. Everyone caught up? Good.
Since this happened (over a month ago) I've mended all the bridges between my friends and I. That is, of course, except for Ware. I'm not so sure where he and I stand. His problems with me, I've discovered, stem, not from the situation in which he concerned himself, but from when we lived together.
More back story... Ware lived with myself, Zach and Juan. Zach, Juan and I had known each other before we moved in together. None of us really knew Ware, with Zach being the only one who had ever met him prior to us moving in. Big mistake. While on the surface, we all got along pretty well, underneath there was a definite 3-on-1 mentality as far as Ware was concerned. His issue was that he felt the house was Party Central far too often. (Now, as time has passed, I agree) Ware is most certainly a quieter, mellower person, whereas the three of us, giddy over our exodus from parental rule, were quite a bit more rambunctious with our time. As the months progressed, I'd liked to say that I slowed down a bit, though I could be wrong. Zach and Juan however, continued to be loud and wild. Eventually, Ware chose to move out and live with a friend.
OK, we're back in. Ware used my private matters as a place to exact revenge for our few months of living together. Neither Zach nor Juan has received any kind of retribution from Ware, because I'm the only one he sees on any kind of regular basis.
Anyways, since Ware turned on me, we've seen each other quite a few times, since I've been going to Karaoke at the same place for much longer than Ware, and I'm not going to give up my favorite hangout just because of a few close-minded individuals. We talk, but every time we do, I get this feeling that he is just patronizing me. I felt that we had become good friends when we were living together, but now I don't know. I wondered if he was just making nice because we had to share a bathroom, much like he did with Zach and Juan.
Tonight was the first night that Ware and I were able to sit down and talk to each other when no one else was around. It wasn't anything earth-shatteringly deep, just small talk. Still, I hope this is a step in the right direction.
Thats it for now.