Robin returns, and we meet a couple of his friends too (Well, one we've already met)
We start with a flashback to a JLA meeting, where some guests are feeling a little left out...
And as often happens in such cases, tempers flare a little, and in front of their dads, how embarassing...
So Batman suggests they try working as a team in a JLA holographic simulation....
After a shaky start they realise that it can be FUN to fight the bad guys as a team, they just need to decide who wins... whoever takes down the most bad guys in the combat simulation wins...
Guess who won!
End pre-credit segment
Shift to the present day. and we see that the bonds formed in childhood DO linger....
An attempt by their senior partners to get them sent on a meaningless mission whilst the JLA deals with the heavy hitters sort of goes awry...
for the JLA, who end up in the meaningless mission themselves... And the guys reaction to being sent on the BIG mission
But they still fall into the clutches of the villain of the piece.... Ras Al Ghul!
Ra's has an offer for Robin, since Batman doesn't show him any respect, cmoe work for Ras as his heir (It was perhaps a mistake to suggest this in Talia's presence as she's NOT happy with the idea)
He declines, Talia rebels (and suggests that Robin stop living in Bat-dad's shadow), and lets just say it all ends happily. Speedy and Aqualad take the opportunity to point out to their mentors that they have grown up and Robin... well Robin has left the building
Enter... who could this be?
Robin tells Batman that he'll be his own hero now..
Call his own shots... run his own life...
and his name will be
"Nightwing" interrupts Batman.. Our hero is shocked (Love his expression here)
But then agrees that that's not at all bad! Isn't he cute when he smiles? :)
Not the last we've seen of this teeming I think