Post-Outage Link Catch-Up: Remembering Elwy, Distilled Elixir of Battle

Jul 26, 2011 00:53

I first came down with my lifelong case of cinephelia via public broadcaster Elwy Yost, who passed away last week.

This article on barrel-aged cocktails:

a) is chock-full of fascinating food chemistry
b) makes me want to drink a barrel-aged cocktail
c) contains the following delightful piece of period prose flapdoodle, which I now conmmend to your attention:

“But the other barrel” said the bartender “did you ever put on a straw hat with a yellow band around it and go up in a balloon with a pretty girl, with $8,000,000 in your pocket all at the same time? That’s what 30 drops of it would make you feel like. With two fingers of it inside you, you would bury your face in your hands and cry because there wasn’t anything more worth while around for you to lick. Yes sir, the stuff in the second barrel was distilled elixir of battle, money and high life. It was the colour of gold and as clear as glass, and it shone after dark like the sunshine was still in it. A thousand years from now you’ll get a drink like that across the bar.”

land o links, cinema hut, drink

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