Real Life HeroQuest Character: Mr. Cheez Doodle

Oct 12, 2010 09:52

Entrepreneur and mystic Morrie Yohai, who died earlier this year at the age of 90, claims a place in the hearts of gamers, even if very few of them have ever heard of him. As inventor of the Cheez Doodle, his unsung contribution to geekly snack culture nearly approaches that of Barney and Ally Hartman. In his honor, let’s create a fictional counterpart for him, in HeroQuest terms. (The NYT obit that appears online omits some of his more fascinating abilities, which are instead drawn from his Wikipedia entry.) As will be my wont, I’ve omitted his age as an ability, so you can play him in his prime, whatever you deem that to be.

Morty Yanofsky
Snack item inventor 3W
Entrepreneur 18
Executive 13
Factory 13
Humility 15
Jewish mysticism 17
Torah expert 13
Marine 13
Saw action in South Pacific 13
Marketing 13
Toys 13
Sumptuous home 13
Son 13
Daughter 13
Wife 13
Born in Harlem 13
Lives in Bronx 13
Jewish 13
Author 13
Teacher (New York Institute of Technology) 13
Aircraft manufacture 13
Community: Cheez Doodle factory 15

real life heroquest characters, heroquest, gaming hut

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