If you're wondering what the Jammers, the budget-cyborg anarchist faction from Feng Shui and Shadowfist, have been up to lately, wonder no longer. It seems as if the group, led as we all know by cybernetic apes, are busily setting up a sideline operation. And unsurprisingly, it involves beer.
To tip me off further, they've set up operations in Barrie, my wife's hometown.
Yes, mein amigos, there's a Flying Monkeys brewery.
Now, flying monkeys are a common trope in pop culture, so I didn't know it was them right away. But now they're releasing a porter, and it's called, wait for it...
If that's not the Battlechimp Potemkin showing his furry hand, I don't know what is. And isn't it just like Jammers to cut me out of the merch arrangements?
Had the Battlechimp launched, say, Orangutank Cabernet Franc, I'd have the grounding to provide a quality assessment. Suds lie outside my wheelhouse, so someone else will have to test it out and report back.