Dragonmeet Panel Schedule

Nov 24, 2009 09:20

As mentioned previously, I’ll be doing the guest thing at Dragonmeet, in London, this coming Saturday. I’ll be taking part in the following panels:

11.00-12.00: HeroQuest, with Jeff Richards

2.30-3.30: State of Gaming, with Erik Mona, Brennan Taylor, and Angus Abranson

4:30-5:30: Q&A Free-For-All, fellow participants TBA

When not paneling I’ll be weaseling at the Pelgrane Press stand. Don’t be shy; pop by to chat, get books signed, or share particularly piquant mild disappointments. (This last requirement waived for visiting Americans.)

And don’t forget, spencerpine is offering a convention special on his book Play Unsafe: £1 off if you get me to sign it. £2 off if you successfully elicit a detail-oriented response from me explaining why I wrote it. Even if you already have one, that’s surely enough reason to purchase another.

announcements, dragonmeet, on the road, gumshoe, heroquest, gaming hut

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