Lost As RPG

Aug 05, 2009 09:20

Recently finished the third season of Lost on DVD.

(Spoilers for later seasons in comments will be harshly dealt with!!!!)


It struck me while watching what the core gimmick would be of a Lost-style RPG campaign: the right for your character to provide information to another PC or an NPC would be the game’s key resource, and would be closely rationed. The cost might vary depending on the recipient: what kind of character (PC or NPC), the depth of your relationship to the character, when you last conveyed information to that character. Also by type of information: backstory revealed in flashback might be more expensive to provide than info about enemies or the environment. You’d need to define what constitutes a single unit of exposition.

NPCs might not have to manage info as a resource but would still be restricted from providing more than one exposition unit per scene.

Earning of exposition tokens might require that you gain info from another player or an NPC.

On a separate note, a successful Lost game would have to take place in an environment completely unrelated to the show. The characters would have to be marooned on a space station, in a fantastic realm, in a subterranean prison complex or the like. This shift of setting would allow the players to uncover a fresh mystery, rather than unveiling the layers of the island as already seen on the the show. Instead the game would borrow the show’s structure and narrative tics.

television hut, gaming hut

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