Aug 20, 2007 20:59
Didn't write about Gen Con day four. Who has time to blog on day four? There's never enough time to say hello to everybody--or goodbye for that matter.
It was an upbeat but oddball year. Did I say "holding pattern" already? Buzz products (excluding ones I worked on) included Pinnacle's Solomon Kane book and, in the indie zone, Greg Stolze's Reign. Battlestar Galactica seemed to be doing well. The product I found promising was Red Juggernaut's Battue: Storm Of the Horse Lords, a board game where you play competing barbarian hordes all storming a city. Because you don't know what lies on the other side of the city walls, you explore as you invade, flipping over randomly placed tiles of various configurations to mark your entry into new territory. The tiles, when revealed, generate exceptions-based effects, as do cards in your hand. (Full disclosure: I do IP development work for Red Juggernaut, but my only involvement in this project was to compile a list of possible names for the city.)
We got lots of great comments for 40 Years Of Gen Con and look forward to reactions when people take it home and have a chance to read it. After so much work it's a delight to hold the final physical object in my hands. Copies are now winging their way to hobby game stores, which of course is where you should buy them if you can. Assuming you haven't already. Doubtless they are also available from your gigantic online bookseller of choice.
If we met for the first time at the con and you're on LJ, let me know so I can friend you. With a few exceptions, a couple of them accidental, everyone on the f-list is someone I met face to face at one point or another.
Brain empty now. Tomorrow is follow-up city. Then I might even go completely crazy and give myself a day or two off.
Seeya next year, Gen Con compadres.
gen con,
gen con history,
gaming hut