Finding Me At Gen Con

Aug 13, 2007 09:20

This is a crazily landmark year for me at Gen Con. The show has always been a magnet for big releases, so it’s not unusual to have a couple of things come out at once there. But look at the list this time:

The big kahuna, is, it goes without saying, 40 Years Of Gen Con. Published by Atlas Games, and available at the Gen Con merchandise booth.

Then there’s my ground-up revision of the classic caveman comedy RPG, Og, from Firefly Games.

A second new game, technically released a few days ago but new enough to count as a Gen Con item: Fear Itself, the GUMSHOE game of straight-up horror.

Green Ronin’s Faery's Tale Deluxe includes not only the interstitial fiction I wrote for the original game, but also a new adventure I’ve done, a mystery called Case Of the Missing Wand.

Also in the aforementioned “almost a Gen Con release” category is White Wolf’s Damnation City, also with interstitial fiction by me.

Not sure if The Blossoms Are Falling, the new Burning Wheel fantasy Japan book, counts as a Gen Con release, but I wrote a short story for that, as well.

And last but not least, comes the limited Gen Con edition of my comic strip, The Birds, over which I am disproportionately gleeful. Also from Pelgrane Press. Even a lightning strike could not keep this project down. Don't wait till Sunday to make your purchase. If they wind up collectible, you’ll be sitting on a gold mine. A gold mine, I tells ya!

Okay, that’s finding my stuff. How do you find me? I am scheduled to take part in the following public events. Please swing by and say hi.

Thursday August 16:

10 AM - 11 AM: Signing @ Pelgrane Press booth
5 PM - 6 PM: Remembering 40 Years Of Gen Con @ Con Center 212

Friday August 17:
10 AM - 11 AM: Panel: Getting Your Game Published @ Con Center 212
12 PM - 1 PM: Panel: GM Techniques @ Con Center 212
2 PM - 3 PM: Panel: 40 Years Of Gen Con Attendees @ Con Center 212
4 PM - 5 PM: Signing @ Pelgrane Press booth

Saturday August 18:

11 AM - 12 PM: Signing @ Firefly Booth
1 PM - 2 PM: Panel: Assembling 40 Years Of Gen Con @ Con Center 212
3 PM - 4 PM: Signing @ Pelgrane Press booth

Sunday August 19:

11 AM - 12 PM: Signing @ Pelgrane Press booth

And all of this is happening a mere one full day back home after the trip to Ropecon in Finland. So if I fail to recognize you, even though you personally saved by life by pulling me out of that fiery windmill back in ‘02, please don’t take it personally.

If you know me well enough to need my cell #, pop me an email and I’ll try to get it for you in the short space of time I have between Finland and Indianapolis.

Will I even be able to form coherent extemporaneous sentences by the end of it all? Will brain matter run out of my ears? Stay tuned for the answer to that and other exciting questions.

gen con, gen con history, self-promotion, gaming hut

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