I Bet You Want Someone To Eat All Those Tasty Rats For You

Jul 01, 2007 11:20

A new study tracing the DNA lineages of housecats reveals that the cat domesticated itself about ten thousand years ago, in the fertile crescent. All housecats descend from one of six female cats. The moment of domestication coincides with the beginnings of agriculture. Stored grain attracted rats and mice. Rats and mice attracted cats. Cats and humans knew a good thing when they saw it and continued the relationship.

No word yet on an equivalent study on dogs, which will presumably reveal that wild dogs committed to domestication after looking at our encampments and realizing that we would one day invent Frisbees and car windows.

Happy Canada Day, everyone. Especially to the non-Canadians in the house. You need Canada Day, now more than ever.


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