Sparseness Follows

Mar 09, 2006 09:35

The first episode of the new David Mamet TV series on CBS about special forces units, called The Unit, was very cool. Tres Mamety. Think Spartan: the TV Series, though the inevitable subversive element has yet to rear its head.

Michael Winterbottom’s movie non-adaptation of Tristram Shandy with Steve Coogan also rocks.

And that’s the closest to substantive blog content you may get out of me for a while. We’ll be moving at the end of the month. Couple that massively preoccupying task with an extremely tight deadline I have no intention of blowing, and all other uses of my time and mental energy are going to have to go by the wayside until we’re well settled in the new place. I may post the occasional episode of The Birds but that’s about it. I was going to promise to try to keep up with Angels and Operators but realized that I am fooling myself.

Just before Christmas our present landlords informed us that they were going to ask us to vacate for renovations. Since then a great sword of dread has been hanging over our heads. We’ve lived in our current apartment for eight years, and have always feared the inevitable day when we’d have to move. It’s the first floor of a house, with tons of space and high ceilings, smack dab in the middle of the city. Even if moving back into the place after renovations was a practical option, we wouldn’t want to do it. The building changed hands a few years ago and the new landlords have filled the place with very young tenants.

We had lots of time to look - until July, even - but our early searches netted only a succession of very depressing places with surprisingly high rents. Last Sunday we found a place that isn’t quite as big as the current one, but more than compensates for it as far as condition and quality of tenant screening are concerned. It’s a few more minutes walk to the Kensington market, but in the same basic neighborhood I’m so attached to. So we jumped on it and the story seems to be headed for a happy ending. Now there’s just the daunting task of packing our huge quantity of stuff. And the zillion little tasks, from change of address to new business cards to backlogged paperwork, years worth of old mail that needs shredding…

Gack, I gotta get on with it! See you after my late April deadline, compadres.

life, cinema hut, television hut

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