Repurposing my Academic Journal

Dec 03, 2010 17:08

I began this journal to talk about my move to teaching online -- since I decided to teach online primarily because of my fandom experiences, it made sense to keep the work inside LiveJournal. The thing I discovered was that moving all sorts of courses to online teaching cut into my fan and aca-fan activities online -- and I wasn't posting much in this journal.

I have begun in the last couple of years to work on scholarship on racism imbroglios and colorblind racism in online media fandom(s), and while I talk generally about it under my fan pseudonym, and post more stuff locked to my friends list/reading circle, I've been struggling with the ethics of open access, the need to not keep the scholarship in the vacuum. Fandom has always been quite happy to analyze and critique academics who are analyzing fandom, and that's important.

I've realized that while I cannot post the actual drafts in progress openly online (I did a quick and dirty survey of academic journal editors of fantastic journals on whether they would publish a completed essay that grew from, say, a presentation that was posted openly online, and their answers varied, but it seems that there are additional pressures (economic, databases, etc.) on editors to print only "original" (never previously published, even online) material. But I decided that I can post abstracts, and the occasional handout, of the pilot project data analysis, and that my academic DW/LJ would be an appropriate place to do so.

I'm currently working on a digital humanities grant, and the importance of open access is clear in all U.S. federal agencies these days: open access in this context means that if US taxpayers are paying to support research, they should have open access to it (without having to go through for profit and locked down databases/journals). Part of my grant proposal will be a wiki or equivalent online space for the Racefail Corpora that will make the material available for others to analyze (no material that is not publicly available on the internet will be in the corpora). The corpus stylistics project I'm working on demands a group/collaborative effort. Now, academic time being what it is, we're talking several years down the road *even if* the first grant application is funded (they rarely are).

This space, therefore, will be my public discussion space during these early stages of the process.

A few notes:

1. Identity, naming, pseudonyms

While I have the privilege of being able to be fairly open among fans and academics about linking my offline name and my online fan pseudonym, I prefer not to post the two together, publicly, on the same page. So I will not use my fan pseud in this space or in any other public posts or comments. I cannot control what others do, and I have been outed before. It happens. However, I will moderate comments to be sure that no outing (connecting of offline name and fan pseudonym) is done in this space, and anybody who outs anybody in the comments will be banned.

2. Comment moderation, anonymous comments, deletion policy

I have set both journals to allow anonymous comments, and comments both at LJ and DW, but for now, I am screening all comments from registered users who are not on my flist/access list as well as anonymous comments. We'll see how things work out over time.

I am tracking IP addresses on all comments, registered users or anonymous.

This entry was originally posted at Comments are enabled at both sites but anonymous comments will be screened for moderation.


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