Huckle Berry Finn, Crooked Blood Test Place Picture, And The Oatmeal Container I Wish I Had Kept...

Apr 23, 2009 11:22

I think the above is the best subject title I have ever come up with.
Also, for some reason that is beyond my comprehension, now my apostrophe key is not working now -I say *now* because for the past week it has been the *h* key that refused to work, but I will trade off... I need the *h* more any-who. Albeit, this does make quotations a difficult task...

With that out of the way, it is time for the real reason I am here.

I am reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for school right now. I love, love, love, love, love, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, *...all you need is love*, love, love this book!

I have decided that Mark Twain makes me very happy and it is no wonder Jimmy Buffett loves him/his work so very much. I have a quiz on it tomorrow and you know, I do not mind one bit.

As you may or may not have heard, my dad had like, three (3) strokes -in one day!- a week before Easter Sunday. He is alright now -(I am losing the *h* key again, if it goes out it will be replaced with a *4* and/or my dialect will take on a strange...ness)- t4e doctors identified t4e problem and know 4ow to keep it from 4appening again. T4ey put 4im on blood t4inners. So now every few days or so, Daddy goes in to get 4is blood c4ecked so it stays at t4e level t4e doctors need it to be.
Well on one suc4 occasion, I went w/ my parents w4en t4ey took dad to get 4is blood work done.
Waiting for Dad to be finis4ed, I was sitting in t4e lobby and Mommy pointed out t4at t4e pictures 4anging on t4e wall across from us were crooked. T4ey were not bot4 crooked, just t4e one on t4e left. It looked so very cool. So, I dug my camera out of my purse w/ t4e intention of p4otograp4ing t4is subject -I never see anyt4ing cool like t4ose pictures! As I am turning t4e camera on, my mom murmurs, *As4ley, do not take a picture over t4ere t4ose people are going to t4ink you are taking a picture of t4em.*. W4at t4e fuck? I glanced up at t4is tall kid sitting on one side of t4e pictures t4en at t4e old man on t4e opposite end. It was awful! So I waited. Just so as not to make people uncomfortable. Old guy leaves. Great so I sit t4ere for like ever waiting for skinny boy to go in and get 4is drug screening done or w/e 4e was t4ere for...
Dad comes back!
W4ile 4e is talking to t4e women at t4e nurses station I figure I 4ave just a little time! Move it Skinny Kid! Go go!
Less t4an 3 minutes later we are leaving and I do not 4ave t4e picture I 4ad so eagerly awaited taking...
I was actually sad about it for a good five (5) minutes and I said, *I really wis4 I 4ad just taken t4at picture...* w4ile we were in t4e car. Mommy 4eard me and said in t4is incredibly *wow I feel like a total s4it person for t4at* voice, *Im sorry, Bunny.*
I could tell s4e felt really bad about t4at, poor Mommy! So t4at 4elped me get over it pretty quickly. You see s4e tries so very 4ard not to stifle my creativity or make me feel like my art adventures are weird or unacceptable and I am fairly certain I made 4er feel like a complete failure at suc4 t4ings w4ile I lamented a lost opportunities.
*T4ere will be ot4er crooked pictures in ot4er places* I told 4er, as muc4 for myself. I am young and will 4ave plenty of opportunities to see cool, interesting, t4oug4t provoking t4ings.

Speaking of lost opportunities. This -(yay! the *h* is back!!! :D)- morning I went for coffee with my best friend. We go to Starbucks because...well it is not cold and the girl who is our barrista is always the same one so we are kind of friends. Anyway, I got the *Perfect Oatmeal*. After eating this oatmeal I played with a plastic Easter egg -pretending to crack it on the table and open it with one hand because I am apparently a juvenile moron- and then I noticed *you know, these oatmeal containers are really pretty. I think I will keep it, clean in out and put stuff in- no that is a bad will end up cluttering my room- well I dunno...what do you think?*
Karah looked at me and shook her head while making her eyes really wide. You see, we are both horrible pack rats and we know it. So, as friends, we try to help each other out when we see things like clothing tags or food wrappers that we *might need* or *might do something with* some day, because we never end up needing them, and we never end up doing anything with them but for move them around our bedrooms every time we need to clean. I offer that to inform you that my friend was not being a jerk, but helping. we thought. You see, now that I am home, sitting at my computer desk, trying to make enough space for my key board, books, the actual computer, the clutter on my desk, and the water gun to shoot my cat with when he misbehaves...I really wish I had kept that oatmeal container...I am staring at plastic eggs and some jewelry that if I put them in that little box would be out of my way...*sigh*
Thanks anyway Karah! :D

That is everything interesting I have to talk about/feel like typing all the way out about for today so yeah. :)
I finally found the rough draft of the Batman fan-fiction I have been meaning to post for MONTHS now, so, I will try to get that up pretty soon ==>>> -(that*s what she said!).

key board keys, mom, mark twain, huck finn, pack rat, plastic easter eggs, clutter, oatmeal, starbucks, jimmy buffett, best friend, batman, photography, love, fanfiction

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