The prompt for the tenth (we've gotten this far! Only twenty more days to go!) is: If you were locked in a dark closet with your mortal enemy, what would you do?
I was excited for the party. My best friend, and roommate, Jaynie finally turned twenty-five. She anticipated the milestone, and her enthusiasm encouraged mine for her. I helped to plan the party, which would take place our house, but left the final guest list up to Jaynie. I understand why she didn't tell me he made the list. She knew I would object. I held by annoyance in check, for her sake.
Jasper and I for several years. He was a manipulative bastard, I hear he still is. However manipulative, he was charming and witty enough to cover it up at first. It took me quite a few months to fully understand what a man whore he was. Then it took me quite a few years to work up the courage to leave him. Though, what he lacks in skills as a boyfriend, he more than makes up for in the bedroom. That's another reason why women are so drawn to him. I'm pretty sure his "little Jasper" has a fan club out there somewhere.
The party began innocently enough. I kept my distance from Jasper by playing the part of co-host. Everything was going along smoothly, that is until Jaynie asked me to grab her a change of shoes from her walk-in closet upstairs.
I'll admit that I was a little more than tipsy. I clumsily stumbled about on her hardwood stairs, my stilettos loudly indicating each step. I was so distracted by an inability to concentrate, as well as repeatedly trying to shush my shoes, that I failed to notice that someone followed my swerving path upstairs.
In fact, I didn't notice that someone followed me, until the door to the closet shut loudly behind me and I was pressed up against a wall. As soon as he touched me I knew who it was. I know his touch, his smell, his,
Something in me snapped. Don't get me wrong, I hate this guy. He cost me many valuable years of my life. I basically wasted my youth on him. However, I haven't gotten laid in forever. And he's right here, it's just so convenient. It's not like either of us is looking for something more. So I relent.
Hands and lips and heavy breathing. We find release in between my roommate's conservative skirts and blouses. As we gather up our own clothing and work to become presentable, I remember to grab the shoes Jaynie asked for.
In the coming days I try to console myself with the fact that I hadn't been laid in months, and that we were both drunk. However, when I see Jaynie walk into the kitchen one morning before work, wearing a conservative skirt and a blouse, I realize that Jasper was never truly my worst enemy. If anyone is my worst enemy, it's myself.