Feb 13, 2009 14:32
u know the "25 things, 25 tags" thing going around facebook - well i decided to do my version here. maybe i'll post it on there. maybe i won't.
1. I am one of the most driven people you might meet. I want to make something of myself, and I will. no doubt. Anybody who knows me - knows i will. I'm a smart girl.
2. I absolutely love going to the grocery store.
3. My friends are my support system, and i feel that i'm blessed to have so many.
---They've cared for me when I was on my deathbed with mono, they've carried me home from parties and made sure i went home with everything i came with (even when i was convinced they pushed me into a bush - OH HALLOWEEN!), they've stayed up with me all night on the phone when i was crying (or when i'm walking to work [oh alliz]), and above anything - they've been there for every laugh and all of my favorite memories.
4. Bruce Springsteen is everything. Really. Based on how many text messages I got when he preformed at halftime at the superbowl, (and a live call as well - from my roomate that was there!!!) i think people already know that about me. Thunder Road is my favorite song...ever. It says just about everything.
5. I regularly sit on furniture thats not meant to. Kitchen countertops - a given. Our chest freezer - still a given. On top of the couch - check.
6. I love ringtones..and i regularly mix my own. Chances are if you mean anything to me, you have your own ringer i.d....and it fits you perfectly.
7. True story, bad news bears, and whatevs come out of my mouth all the time. "god bless your/his/her soul" has been my newest phrase, and i couldn't tell you why. I take credit for 'babycakes' and use it on people, but theres one person that knows who it originally started for.
8. I still wish at 11:11. You probably even know what for.
9. I love unconventional holidays. St patty's day..halloween..nye. Hell, some of my best memories from last summer come from memorial day. And i do consider opening day a holiday....Thanksgiving? Not so much. It was never a big one for me. October (for baseball) is deadly for school and homework. Especially with the bosox (and with the brew crew this year!). It always starts "home run - lets do a shot" to "drink - its a foul ball".
10. I know an unusual amount about pop culture. With that being said i like 'good music' and 'good movies'. I read reviews for advice as well as for fun. Growing up with rolling stone, entertainment weekly, and tv guide will do that to a person. I am also a 'quote' person... anything from a adam sandler movie, all of oceans 11 & titanic, to pretty much any line from any episode of 'the office'', i could shoot right back to you. imdb.co
11. I am a sucker for mafia movies, but you probably would have never pegged me as the type.
12. I feel like i'm a country girl when i'm here in the city, but i feel like a city girl when i'm in the country. I think i'm a country girl with big expectations for myself in the city.
13. i find that life comes in party seasons. We just finished 'graduation-party' season, soon it'll be '21st birthday season', then 'wedding season' ... etc etc. HOWEVER, my favorite season of all is 'bonfire season', which happens every year - year round back at home. (maybe i am a country girl).
14. Being on a crotchrocket is one of my favorite things over. I will carry a helmet and pants in my car during the summertime, so andy can give me a ride whenever the time arises - and i'm prepared so he can't turn me down. hahahaha. Fourwheeling & dirtbiking at ashleys house bring back fond childhood memories, oh boy.
15. I do online surveys like its my job. I've made a couple hundred. They've funded brewer tickets, tom petty concerts, and now currently my 'spring break' trip to florida. I've also gotten free makeup, chili beans, and carpet cleaner to test out at home. For the record, the carpet cleaner works like a gem.
16. I now find it funny that people recognize me from both of my jobs. A guy remembered me as a beer cart girl during JURY DUTY, and whenever, wherever i go out with freshman, people recognize me from the cafe. two days ago, my roomate was talking to someone about me and alls i heard was - "yes, i know, my roomate serves you your food" .
17. My seventh grade teacher - mr. craig - still probably taught me more about myself and the world than anybody else. When a man calls you a 'saucy wench' or walks into a room saying 'why did god make me perfect?' you know he means business. Thats when I used to be a catholic school girl.
18. When i was kid, i loved the idea of having a pen pal. Unfortunately, i never had one..
19. I like to write and i've kept a blog for the past 5 years (and still update it regularly). Very few people close to me know the address, but I have people from all over the U.S. comment and email me telling me that they read it, and they love it and they love my writing. (a little twisted, i know) I think its one of the best compliments..ever.
20. Country USA = no explanation ever needed. ever. the same goes for any phil vassar concert & summerfest, but just not up to cusa standards. On a totally related note, i will probably never eat at a golden corral again in my life, but will make a bacon string cheese pizza anytime.
21. There are hardly any snickers left in our 125-piece candy bowl that sits on top of our fridge. I'm the reason. There is also a stopwatch that beeps once every hour on the one-minute mark (10:01, 2:02..etc) and for a minute at 8:24 am every morning. I am also the reason.
22. I am a messy, messy person. I'm trying to change. But i do color-coordinate my closet. And basically alls you see is black, brown, and grey. You will probably never see me in anything aqua blue, purple, or bright pink. I hate wearing the color white too.
23. Big Sunglasses & Coffee are my guilty pleasures. So is the 5-o'clock hour on ESPN. I used to have a crush on tony reali. Animal prints are up there as well.
24. I am a pet person. Neither of my roomates have had any pets. You will never see me with a little, yippy dog. In bows. At home i have a 130lb Bernese Mountain Dog.
25. This past year has been quite life-changing as well as very trying, and I've grown up a lot. I've really learned to appreciate my family and I know nothing will be just quite the same again. We were never the affectionate/hugging/loving type, but I realized how much the words "i love you" mean..and I saw how much my parents really love each other. I want that. Everything happens for a reason.