Just so you know I'm still alive..

Oct 23, 2010 18:54

OCTOBER 23, 2010

Hi guys. I'm back to my journal again. Haha! It's been decades since I've last posted here, yes? :P Anyways, just so you know, I'm still alive, healthy and fit.. But sadly, I'm 2 months noob of what's been happening in kpop and jpop nowadays because of some personal issues and all but, hopefully time will come, I'll finally have some time with them again Ü Just wait for me to come back, okay? And when I do, I'll be posting more fictions, rants, stuffs inside my head and all :) Right now I just wanna share how I look right now, and this is enough evidence that I'm still a fangirl at heart ;-)


So yeah, this is currently me ^^ Hahaha! Photos were taken last month, but anyways I still look like that right now =)) I got a free Donghae photo card inside the album that I bought online, and I find myself lucky enough because DONGHAE IS PRETTY MUCH MY BIAS :""> Hahahaha! Meant to be much? :P Well, that's all for now. Will come back again with the latest news about me when I don't get so lazy anymore updating =)) Ciao ♥

kpop, fandom, personal thoughts

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