Weekly Updates.

Oct 24, 2009 14:46

Hey :-) Okay, I just want to make a post so I could update my LJ. I missed writing random stuffs here. Anyways, I'm really STRESSED right now X_X Really. I mean, who wouldn't? Next week is my quarterly exams; and I have to do my summary project in Noli Me Tangere. o_O Ugh, and HISTORY IS KILLING ME INTO BITS. I don't understand why I have to learn the western history T_T I mean, COME ON! I won't be going there; I'm going to JAPAN and Korea for goodness sake!! xD But what the hell, I have to cope up with it so I could finish high school. *Oh Yes people; I'm a high school girl. DON'T SHOOT ME.* It's depressing for me, really. My school's a total trainwreck in my life. I'm so traumatic. I'm being like this because there's so much CHAOS and RIOT and WARS going on in my school. And to think, it's a CATHOLIC school. Damn :| I thought my life wuold be better if I transferred schools, but NO. It won't be. It sure is a lot of hell-raising going on. And, I have to stick to it for the nent 1 year and 5 months of my tragic life. It's so hard being me.

Anyways, I am just happy that I still have friends whom I can count on in rough times, someone whom I could share all the nastiness I felt whenever unlucky-ness would hit me like a ton of bricks. AND I HAVE MY FANDOMS TO MAKE ME SMILE EVERYDAY. So, what the hell. I don't want to ruin this day by exploding all my negativities in here so, let's start off with my fandoms :DD OH-MEH-GAWD./

As of now, I'm starting to know the ROOKIES OF OCTOBER. MBLAQ, BEAST, JQT and so on.. And like the others, I'm also waiting for CHILD OF EMPIRE TO DEBUT. Bring it on, men! xDD Can't wait. And, I'm starting to memorize the other groups like Brown Eyed Girls, SUPERJUNIOR and ss501. Damn, I'm like, so LATE?! Ugh. But it's okay, I'm a newbie so I have to get more knowledge on Kpop =) And boy, I hate those SELFISH FANS who don't want to share their knowledge regarding Kpop. SCALLOPS! You should all burn T_T You shoudl be happy the Kpop fans are increasing >P So just deal with it, racists.

And, SHUCKS. I promise myself I won't EVER lose my love with regards to Jpop, but I can't help but to loosen up a bit to it :(( Distressing. Gosh, I don't even know if I will ever come back or not. And, my NEVER-ENDING LOVE FOR MY ICHIBAN there? I dunno :( Seems like I just lost a reason to live. =( I want to hit myself hard for abandoning him :(( I want to crash down and not minding the reality. I really miss him :( And, what's the worst part is that I can't feel the love that I'm having for him is still here in my heart. It just hurts a lot. A LOT. TOO HARD. Sooner or later, I want to end my Jpop hiatus before I fall out of love to Japan.. :( I might not ever go back if I continue this..

KPOP CONVENTION? Yoohoo? WHERE THE HELL IS THE VENUE? Answer!! XX_XX I badly want to go. I really want to go. I'm saving money if ever I'd buy LOTS of stuffs there. I'm so excited!! So, tell me where's the venue. Like, RIGHT NAO./


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