(no subject)

Dec 12, 2005 01:45

Quick review of the weeks past.

December 1st - Hung out with Brian, Spalding, and his friend at the bowling alley. It was Thirsty Thursday Bowling - too much fun. Obviously we didn’t drink but it was fun nonetheless, I miss bowling actually. Should do it more often. Brian was amazing and kicked everyone’s ass though… sad, really.

December 2nd - Brian and My 3 month so we drove up to Syracuse and went to the best place I’ve been to in such a long time. Dinosaur BBQ. Ahh, my mouth is watering now thinking about it. I had some amazing type of chicken and wings, so fucking good. Then we came back to my place and hung around alone for the evening with movies and such. Great times.

December 3rd - Brian, Spalding, Rachel, David, other Rachel, and I went to a party on Eddy. Super fun, drank a little, danced a lot, and had loads of fun. Then we all went back to Brian’s and played King’s Cup and Asshole… good old fashion card games. J

December 4th - Brian and I worked on my calculus project; he’s a fucking genius so he helped me like mad. (Note: it was all correct J)

Other - Lots of DDR, Harry Potter Scene It, Wingz, SLEEP, King Arthur, Bourne Supremacy, Studying, Trip Planning, etc. etc.

This Week:
Monday - Italian Final, Study for Genetics and Calculus
Tuesday - Genetics Final, Work, Calculus Final, Work (7:30am-5pm day) OUCH.
Thursday - NYC WITH BRIAN!!!
Friday - NYC! J and Martin Sexton Concert
Saturday - NYC!
Sunday - NYC!!!!!

Now, my letter to Santa:

Dear Santa,
I know I haven't been particularly good this year... in fact, it's been the worse year i've had, and I apologize for that, but I can't change what's happened and what I've done; even though I'd like to. I really only want one thing for Christmas this year... I want to be happy. I want my parents to be happy. I want my aunts, uncles, and grandmother to stay healthy. I want my brothers to find a nice house to share and to find nice girls to be with and for them to be happy. I want my friends to stay healthy, have fun, succeed, and keep it touch. I want Brian to find a good job that makes him happy and to be satisfied with all in his life. I want to move forward in my life and forget about the past, I want to find success in school, success at work, but success in a sense of happiness. I want to reconcile difference between old friends I've had. I want pure happiness. That's all... it's simple. But not at all.
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