Today I decided to work from home. As my new company allows it one day a week to help with commutes and gas prices, I figured the fact I only have a 15 minute commute should not make me ineligible. Besides my new boss pissed me off yesterday, so in trying to keep with my mandate to look at only positive things about this job, I worked from home. Actually got real work finished too. Sent in a response to a question, found some documents I need to complete a project and read some industry updates.
On the home front, I got all the laundry done and baked cookies to send over to Grandma's. This working at home thing is good.
Not as good as traveling, but then, not much is. On Wednesday morning I landed at 7:20 am from a weekend trip to Nevada to meet up with Ith and Nin. They picked me up at Sacramento Airport and we headed to Virginia City. I had never been there and had a great time. Next to being able to spend time with Ith and Nin in real life, my favorite parts of the trip where the day on a catamaran on Lake Tahoe and a visit to the old Catholic Church in Virginia City. Both were beautiful. Must go back to both, in fact, pretty sure at some point will rent a place for a week on Tahoe it was that nice.
Took pictures, I have them on my computer, now need to figure out how to post somewhere. A sample.
Oh, and my hostess.