Jul 04, 2007 18:17
So, was taking a break from packing the room and went out to wash the screens for the kitchen windows, since the painters are putting them back in tomorrow. The water faucet is at the back of the house, so headed there to rinse them off. Decided to walk around the side yard. Something I never do. As I am walking I notice mounds of dirt along the garage has been dug up. Closer look and - yep - 7 holes under the garage foundation. Huge mounds of dirt kicked up around them. And to my surprise - two little critters looking out of two of the holes.
Now, while I am not an expert, my guess is groundhogs, due to the fact I can see ears and I read somewhere gophers really do not have ears. So first call tomorrow is to a humane exterminator. Given the time of year we could have 5-7 of the little squatters depending on the size of her litter. Oh joy. Must remember to ask the Landscaper why he did not tell me about the mounds.