A few years back our friend Steve Carlyle took a stained glass class. By the end of the class his designs were being sold in the gift shop that was hosting the class. We could see that Steve was excited about finding a medium he loved. I asked if there were any tools that would help him, things he couldn't afford, I knew he was short on cash at the time, and I was flush.
Steve said, "No, there's nothing." By which he meant nothing that he would think of buying himself. He thought another moment and said, "Well, there's something. But it's too expensive. I'd love to be able to cut curves, but I need a tool for that, makes it a lot easier."
I asked how much he needed. It was easily in my range. I bought him the tool.
In gratitude, he asked me what I wanted as a design. "A dragon, like a Chinese dragon," I said. So his first project with the new tool was to make me a dragon. The whiskers curl out in wire spirals. It hangs in our bedroom to catch the sunset.
You can find more of Steve's work
here. I'm particularly fond of his sealife and the Stepping Water design; maybe some day when I'm flush I'll give him a commission to MC Escherize the jellyfish. Which is to say... if you're a patron of the arts and have a design glimmering at the fringe of your mind, Steve's your man.