Jun 06, 2008 12:51
I figured that would be a much more entertaining heading than I'm Getting Married. Though, in fact, that's what this is about. I just have to crack jokes about "collecting the whole set" given that we have a Civil Union certificate, a Domestic Partner Registration certificate, have had a Commitment Ceremony, and now....we'll also have (for what it's worth currently, which is very little legally) a Marriage certificate.
Peter and I are indeed going to tie the know. We're running off to California at the end of July for a long weekend to get married where his Dad lives in San Clemente. It will actually take place on the anniversary of our Civil Union in Vermont. I guess we're both getting old enough that not adding another date to remember is a good thing.
Now of course I'm left to ponder.....will our marriage ever be fully recognized? If we lived in California it might mean something, but barring that is it just a piece of paper? What will it mean to be married for us?