Wooo hoooooooo!!!!!!!

May 24, 2007 20:27

Well, things have certainly turned around at Penarth drama company. I went along to the reading of "Business Affairs" last night - not because I had any intention of being in it, but I wanted to meet up with some friends there and thought I'd help out with rwading parts for the evening for people who couldn't make it. Reading the play reinforced to me how rank it is, and guess what...

Everyone at the reading felt the same!!!

So, what play do they turn to as an alternative - "Sextet"!!!! The one I have been canvassing for for the last month! PLUS - Jo, who would have been ideal for the part of Lisa but was thought to be going to Luxembourg is now not going until January - and she loves the part in "Sextet" and would love to do the play!!! Plus a bit of switching round means we can fully cast it with everyone in suitable roles!

I myself mind will still be playing the nerdy Denys. No change there...

But now at least I have the prospect of twice weekly rehearsals of a really enjoyable play, and hopefully a very satisfied audience at the end of it. A really sharp script, combined with a bit of risque humour and plenty of slapstick and physical comedy? Can't go wrong in Penarth!!! (Hopefully....)

So Lisa, if you're up for another trip to Cardiff in October, see you there! Plus everyone else on my Friends list who lives near enough!!!

I've actually scanned the entire play on to my computer so I could email it to Jo. So, if you want to know what I'm so excited about, let me know and I'll email it across for you to have a read.

The Autumn looks so good right now! :D
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