We are finally home. What an amazing crazy last week.
My water broke on Saturday October 7th when Rob and I were on our way to a wedding. We had spent the entire day walking around the Shaw Art Fair and I was having some minor contractions. I didn't think anything of it. We got home and got ready for the wedding. Then we decide to stop by Walgreens for a bow for the wedding present. As we were in store I felt a little pop. Then a trickle. Rob was paying for the stuff and I said, um...Rob. He just looked at me and I said, never mind I will tell you outside. As soon as I stepped out the doors, there was a big gush. He looked at me, I looked at him and said, my water just broke.
We were so close to the wedding so we stopped by to drop off the gift. I really didn't want them to think we were a no show. The bride and groom came out to the car to see us. Then the contractions really started and we rushed to the hospital. The L&D nurses were amazed that we stopped by the wedding, we showed up at the hospital dressed up!
I was admitted and still only 1 cm. They couldn't give me anything until I was 4 cm or if my contrations were unbearable. They felt unbearable. I went for 5 hours until I finally got an epidural. They initally gave me stadol, which made me loopy. Once I got the epidural, it was heaven and within an hour I was at 10 cm. I felt that the labor would go really fast at this point.
We waited an hour to see if the pushing would start then at 3 am I started to push. 3.5 hours later I was still pushing. The doctor thought maybe they could try a vacuum extraction but she was really concerned that they would be able to get the head out and then the shoulders would be stuck. She felt that would put us in a medical emergency. I felt so exhausted....3.5 hours of pushing took everything out of me. She felt the safest way to go would be to have a C-Section. I knew two weeks prior at my doctor's appointment, my doctor had some concerns that the baby was "too big for my frame". I was so emotional, after 13 hours of labor I was so determined to have the baby vaginally. But I didn't want to put the baby in jeopardy. So we ended up with a C-Section. The best moment was when they said...it is a boy! I was so sure he was a girl. He cried immediately and Rob and I were so happy, he is perfect! He was born on October 8th...the day I had hoped for...it is my late grandmother's birthday.
Overall, the experience wasn't anything like I expected or imagined but the recovery has been great. I was off all pain meds at 6 days pp.
Jacob defintely has his days and nights mixed up and this has been a learn as you go process.
I LOVE being a mom, I could never have imagined the love you would feel for your child.