Apr 25, 2006 02:04
UG, I can't stand film kids. I don't know if I'm just crazy or if it's this god damn school. But I get the impression that everyone secretly is backstabbing everyone else. Maybe it's just the nature of filmmaking, where everyone is striving to get their stuff done and get recognized but I really no longer trust my two closest friends here. When one won this festival up in DC the other wouldn't stop talking about how he, got into the festival. He kept bringing it up (clearly, I dont want to mention names cause I hear that'd be a bad idea) I also catch the two of them, saying things about me that I've only told one of them. They admit it when it happens, but to what extent is starting to drive me alittle nuts. Thank god this shitty shitty semester is coming to a close. It just makes me sad that last semester things were so perfect, and the semester before that I was the new kid they were all dying to hang out with. And now I feel very ineffective and transparent. I really want to run away and never come back. Maybe I will when the semester is over. That way I dont waste my parents money. But I really can't see myself going home; Even for a night.
Now for the good news. I get to write my technosonics paper on anything I want. And I chose my favorite subject (that Ive never written on) how hip hop is influenced by geographic location!!! YAY. I'm 1000 words into it and I think its going to turn out alight. I dunno, its something I've developed so clearly in my mind that I may forget some of the details in my arguement. Here's a short draft, that needs revising obviously
...Lyrically, however, Los Angelas has some of the boldest, most vitriolic sentiments in all of hip hop. Historically, L.A. has been a political powder keg. The beating of Rodney King in 1992 and the 60 indiviuals killed in the Race Riot that followed, have never suggested a cohesive, peaceful place for a young minority to grow up. Despite who is at fault for this tension, it is clear that California Hip Hop was shaped from these events. Even before the incident, hip-hop documented the potential. In 1988 the N.W.A. released Straight Outta Compton, an aggressive compilation that would cause massive political response from the F.B.I. and reach #1 on the Billboard Charts. Speaking on racial tension with LA police, Eric “Easy-E” Wright says on the album “When something happens in South Central Los Angeles; nothing happens. It’s just another nigger dead.”(--------) However, the clearest statement N.W.A made was with their song entitled “Fuck the Police”, whose meanings need no explanation.
When do you come home liz. Also, it seems like this internship is a shoe in...but I'm not sure if I really want it anymore. We'll talk later.