Oct 23, 2005 12:07
I had an amazing weekend. Truly what I needed to get away from the "real" world for a little while. Friday night I got really drunk then really sick! It was gross and yucka, did not like it at all.
Saturday afternoon (when I woke up) some friends and I went to WH for breakfast and that was great. The rest of the day saturday was spent chillin on the back deck with friends. Truly awesome.
Jason came to see me for a minute Saturday night, I had left some things in Ame's car from when I rode with them on Friday.
He hurt his arm Friday night at the party and though he says it wasnt my fault, I know it was and I feel bad about it. It looked bad when I saw him Saturday night.
Saturday night proved ot be quite strange for me. 2 people from my past both contacted me and I was wigged out for a little while, cause well sleep deprivation after being fucked up is not a good thing lol.
Because she has requested for me not to mention her name in my journal, I will keep that information private. However, she sent me a message on myspace and email saying that she missed me and had some explanantions for me. I sent her a reply telling her I couldnt talk to her on the phone but we could correspond either email or myspace and that if she had an explanantion for me she was more than welcome to give it. I am open to listen to it.
I cant be friend with her again though, too much hurt and too many bad memories but there are good memories as well, and I will always remember those.
The other person to contact me was Jesse, an old trick of mine. It was quite interesting hearing from him when the last thing he had ever said to me was "I wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire" lol I still find that amusing ;) Maybe Ill call him back today and maybe I wont.
Have to work tomorrow. I took thursday and friday off this past week cause I desperately needed the rest plus I was really sick thursday and the first half of friday. The way I acted friday night wasnt very wise or smart but I still did it so I cant change that!
Welp, thats about it.