Jan 20, 2009 09:49
Am I the only one who finds the state of the world disturbing? Or more so the situation this country is in? I'm not talking about the economy or the man wars currently being fought across the globe by different nations.. Those things just happen unfortunately, we've been killing each other in conflict since the beginning of time, and economies have risen and fallen since then as well. What bothers me is the growing hatred in this world, especially here in America. For many years racism was a form of hate that gnawed at the core of this nation, but quite frankly I think for the most part racism is dead or at least seriously crippled as proven by the election of Barrack Obama, unfortunately I believe racism has been replaced by something just as bad, if not worse. A form of rabid, reckless hate that knows no bounds. The division in this country is astounding, and I think to myself.. When did we become a nation of two year olds who can't be civil to one another despite our differences? As many of you know when it comes to Politics, I either never discuss political issues or when I do I seem to be very non-objective, middle of the road. In some cases I am a bit moderate, some I'm not.. But I remain in the center to be fair and sometimes avoid being flamed by my own 'friends' and isn't that just ridiculous?
I enjoy a good debate with someone I disagree with, but sadly its almost impossible to find reasonable people anymore. IF you discuss politics they just explode, think you're stupid and that's all she wrote. I don't think thats what the founding fathers had in mind when they founded this nation. At one time we celebrated our differences, now? You'll be clobbered for them by the nutroots of the left and right ring. Yes I'm blaming both sides here, Though I admit one side seems to be worse at times I think there is plenty of blame to go both ways. I'm going to start by talking about the last eight years of George Bush. I'm not going to defend him or blame him, But I will say that the hatred towards him is sickening, I don't care how awful a President you might think he is, but wishing someone would kill him? Choke on a pretzel? Hoping his wife gets cancer? What the hell people?! Its sad, very sad. There are people I truly can't stand, but I've never wished I'll like that towards them. The same is true towards Obama as well, I've seen sickening remarks being lobbed at both men, Its truly pathetic. Here's a news flash to people who make ignorant remarks like that.. You're worse then the people you're attacking! This whole us verses them mentality is really growing old, When did we stop being Americans people? And worse still? The groups who riot for.. well.. who knows. I have no problem being upset if you didn't get a law passed, or justice for something or someone.. But explain to me how does vandalizing mom and pop shops help anything? People need to realize that by doing insane stuff like that it hurts their cause.. I admit, if a cause I supported ran amuck in my town, and burned down my favorite pizza place I'd probably not be very excited in supporting them anymore. Then again, maybe some just like to make trouble. I don't know.
If you don't like how things are with your government, get involved! It's amazing how many people rant and rave about Bush, Obama or other issues yet... They're not even registered to vote.. Err.. That's a we bit messed up don't you think? The vote is powerful, as is writing your representatives, so write them, call them, let them know how you feel.. Don't whine uselessly about things and do nothing about it. This past election was truly ridiculous, there was so much time spent on trivial matters.. such as.. Did Obama flip the bird during a speech? Why doesn't he wear a flag pin? Or McCain on other silly grounds.. Oh yes, lets talk about silly stuff and forget the issues.. And people wonder why we're where we are now.. Sheesh! When did common sense leave us? Why can't we discuss things like civilized human beings and not cave men? Hm? If you don't vote for the Democrats you're a hate monger! And those Democrats? They're trying to turn us into Communist Russia! For Crying out loud! Isn't that silly? Do these crazy people hear what they're saying? It's madness I tell you, madness! And people are getting hurt physically in these things, people getting beaten for their beliefs.. I heard a story yesterday.. I'm not sure if any of you are aware of the two border agents who've been jailed for two years who just had their sentence commuted by the President.. Now I'm not getting into the right's or wrongs of that case.. What upset me was what happened to one of the former officers family. Someone broke into their home, ransacked it and beat their basset hound.. A innocent and precious K9.. Was it burglary? No, it was because of the wives cause to get her husband out of prison.. Thats sick, I don't care how guilty or innocent her husband is, that was so wrong.. It really made me angry, and what makes me even more angry is the fact its becoming more and more common. I don't know whats driving this, I though things were divided when I was growing up in the 90's.. Now I pine for those days gone by.
Somehow I hope soon to be President Obama can do a lot to mend the division and disenfranchised, I seriously doubt it as no man can really cure hatred in the heart of another. These are sad times we live in, but.. Sometimes I find hope, I've found a few people in recent weeks who are doing a lot of good for respected causes and because of that maybe there is hope we can all be better like that. I try to help people on a one on one level and elsewhere when I can.. So, I'm doing my best to avoid becoming a rabid attack dog like many have. I Just wish people would get a grip, regain some common sense so we can ALL do something constructive... But, Thats probably asking for too much isn't it?
That's all.