It went well in terms of how they treated me. My appointment was at 6:30pm. My ride got a little confused and thought my name was Walter, but we got that sorted out and I got there in plenty of time.
Someone else had an emergency, one of their regular patients got slipped in to see my doctor. So I wound up waiting till about 9pm to get in. Fortunately the service for my ride is 24 hour, so I just had plenty of time in the waiting room. Good thing I brought my folding chair and Kindle.
I did a pen and wash sketch of the Golden Gate Bridge from a photo a friend gave me permission to use while I was waiting, using colored washable pens.
After my appointment, I had to wait for my ride so I drew some houses across the street from the corner I waited on by street lamp light.
They're going to wade through the paperwork and try to fight to get me all my meds. The one I talked to (not my actual doctor, a medical student I talked with who's assisting him) is going to try to get everything together so I can get all of my prescriptions. Even the ones Walgreens couldn't fill last time because it wasn't from my PCP. Well, now that I have a PCP and they know to fill out the forms for those prescriptions, hopefully it'll all be covered.
I did it. I made it through the scary appointment, was prepared with everything written down, this one also got impressed at how organized I was. When I got disoriented because I was too sick I just handed him my pre-written lists. It worked. And I'm glad I did some sketching in the waiting room too, that helped me stay sane getting in some art.