ACEO CatAssTrophy is today's whimsical ACEO, done in Pigma Micron and Pitt Artist Pens. I took my time with the cartoon, sketched carefully before inking and succeeded in a smoother line and more detail than most of the cartoons I've done. Sometimes it's fun to do something completely different after getting absorbed in intense realism.
And because it was bright and pretty today, I got some photos of my wild geranium. It finally bloomed, it has two blossoms and some buds too. It climbed up the window, but I turned it around to dangle into the room after the first photos. Sorry that the close-up was a little too bright even when enhanced, the color's a hair more accurate in the first two. It was very sunny when I got the photos. I might try when it's overcast if it gets overcast before the blooms wither. (Like it won't, duh, this is Kansas. If you don't like the weather, wait fifteen minutes.)
This plant is actually almost a bonsai, it's stuck in a pot a third of the size the other geraniums have, and its leaves are tiny compared to the other wild geranium that has only three leaves but they're huge. I suspect it'll get bushy and gigantic and bloom copiously if I give it a full sized pot when I repot the zonals into larger ones. Zonals are normal geraniums like you'd see in hanging pots at the grocery. Mine do, weirdly, thrive indoors in the window and get totally sex-crazed, blooming fiercely at each other. I keep wondering what I'd get if I buried some of the dead flowerheads, if they're actually pollinating each other or bugs are getting at them.
Eh, I could take the dead flowerheads outside in a couple weeks, bury them shallow and see what happens. They do really need repotting though, all of them are in pots that are now too small except the one with only three leaves, which is probably pining for the wilderness and ought to move outside.