After some bidding exchanges, my Red-Tailed Hawk sold and the other bidder asked if I'd do another Red-Tailed Hawk. I hadn't planned on using the same exact pencils, but started it because I was doing a color sample for the guy who's going to be making prints of the first one -- meant to just do a sketch but I kept developing it into a detailed piece and finally decided this WAS the hawk that got requested.
ACEO Proud Red-Tailed Hawk is posted on eBay now, and the next color sample I made was shading bars so I wouldn't get tricked by my unconscious into doing another new drawing in the same medium! I'll try using a different color of Stonehenge on the next one, or maybe use Derwent Drawing Pencils instead.
Graphitints are so great for doing raptors though. They shade like graphite but still have that bit of color.