OSWOA® Prismacolorwheel Mandala is posted at auction now and up in all my eBay groups. I started it some time ago, I think back in November. Did the design in pencil and considered doing various versions in different mediums, but got talked out of it by a couple of eBay friends. I'll still do knotwork in those mediums but this one stands alone as itself.
I tried using just the colors in the 12 color Prismacolor Portfolio that I got on eBay, but found myself dipping into the big set for Magenta, a good violet, grass green and the full range of cool grays to get it perfect. I still kept the Prismacolor theme of spectrum colors though and it's a load of fun.
In other news, I won something! Not only did I get a bonus for articles on New Year's at eHow.com, but I won a ChannelME subscription and website that's going to be interesting to set up. I may buy a new webcam, try to find one that can also do sound for it and see if I can do video art lessons in various mediums to make that site a good one. If it starts being fun and I decide to keep it, I might put ads on the site but they'll be targeted, they'll at least all be art ads and probably lead to auctions of my and my friends' art. Hopefully if I use google ads they'll keep them to art supply houses and artists' sites and other art related topics. I can't see advertising carwax on an art programme.
Remember, you can always see everything I have up currently by going to ebay and searching on
Robs Art. There's usually a good variety of art up at auction, and I am so glad that I'm getting back in the groove of daily art. Colored pencils book is going well too.