As the title says, I found something neat while perusing the internet, namely, a random RPG city generator. You can set it to create Hamlets, villages, towns, up to large cities in Central European style, or African Villages, Wild West towns, and large American-style modern cities. Once generated, you kinda navigate like Googlemaps or MapQuest without the search feature. You can break it up into smaller files and save particular views, and you can even set it to print over multiple pages for huge copies. It can generate a standard starting D&D town in 2 seconds. A small town with a city wall in 10. A major Central European City in 5 minutes. While the images are pretty basic and look like they were done with a few hours in MSPaint, at least you don't have to do it all by hand...and best of all, if it turns out looking like crap, you can just generate another in seconds. There's also a city name generator built in...which sucks, but gets points for having a slider that goes from Lovely to Ominous.
And to top it off, it is in a convenient zip file! Robert "Happy Amateur Fantasy Cartographer" Ranting