May 09, 2006 12:02
Yes, I am alive. I'm in springfield, MA, though, so I'm not sure what the point is.
If all goes well, I will be in NYC in a day or so, and then prolly a day or two from there to chicago.
Bulls scare the shit outta me. Barbed wire is annoying.
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I guess you have to have been to springfield to get it.
Brattleboro, northampton, nyc, boston: yes, yes, yes, yes. Springfield: NO!
Seriously, this place is such a shithole. Last time I was here, I got shoved up against a wall by an undercover cop for trying to bum a smoke from him. He told me not to ask anybody for anything around here.
Last time I was here, I had to spange to get enough money to greyhound it outta there. It took me, like, six hours to get nine bucks.
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