The trip to New Jersey may be off, but that's because
ariellaarcher has an audition. I just want to send lots of love and luck her way. (This part said in a dopey-eyed, suburban way) One day . . . you're going to be on BROADWAY!
For those of you who don't know, that's a running joke the two of us have. I'm sure you've seen some musical where they say that. It's the type of line said to some passing stranger while she has all of her belongings impossibly crammed into one suitcase. The person who makes the Pollyanna claim and then gets cast in the chorus in some big show, but oh, no! Opening night the lead can't go on due to a broken ankle/drug binge/deportation and that chorus member who made her claim goes on, instead. Of course everyone thinks she's great and the guy that stood by her side the whole time says something to her at the end like, "You're a star, baby! You're a star!" Roll credits, and later, "I'd like to thank the Academy . . ."
I, however, can't really use a line like that. I can't really walk up to Desgrippes Gobé and say, "One day . . . I'm going to be CREATIVE DIRECTOR!" I just don't think it has the right ring to it. Instead, I just want to walk in front of Starbucks with a look of complete awe and go, "New York has a Starbucks?! This city has EVERYTHING!" Welcome to the city, country mouse.
By the way, have any of you PC people heard anything out of Dudders? I keep thinking we are going to run into each other. If you know anything, please spill the beans.