Jun 07, 2008 19:51
So I checked out the game shop that I ride past on the way to school every day. Unfortunately, only one small corner of the shop was devoted to roleplaying... and what they had there wasn't D&D, Exalted, or (for that matter) any other game I'd ever seen. The one table (Bell's has three) was not occupied, though that could have been because it was only 13:00ish.
In any case, I counted it a failure. Now comes the backup plan: make friends at school. I'm working on it, but for some odd reason there's a different group of people in class every day. Last week, I was one of three or so people who actually showed up every day. I guess maybe in Germany people don't care about school as much...?
Besides that, the weather has been gorgeous over here! It's been in the 70s and 80s ever since I got here, and was nice and sunny until yesterday, when it went partly cloudy (which it has been ever since). I think I'm starting to enjoy myself!
Also, the Solars board is back up (the Lunars one was up all along)! Whee!!
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