Kinda Hot, But at the Same Time, Completely Fucking Ridiculous.

May 07, 2007 00:21

So I'm a reader of this blog, right? I've posted a link to it before in these pages. I'm rather a fan of the lady's style of writing; anybody who writes about sex and grammar this well has got their proverbial fingers on my equally proverbial pulse. Anyway, like many a higher-profile blog, there's space for ads, including one to this very, very odd (NSFW) website. That's right. Naked girls. With iPods. Like what Apple's ad campaign would be like if the French ran the world as opposed to us.

And speaking of France....

Fuck you, France. Fuck you very much. I'm sorry, but did you fail to notice how sodding well we did with our own jackboot Nazi leadership? Jesus.
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