for simply just picking up the guitars and playing a couple of our songs, it was pretty damn nice.
good time
who in the fuck...
braver love
zar the-fuck is the man that can
he can too but just look at the guy. fucking wasted.
half the time steve's mom wouldn't stop blowin shit up.
yeah I guess that sounds alright. i don't know i'm a bit T-O'd right now.
as funny as that episode was i was fuckin worried i wasnt coming out of there behind the drunken laughter.
i wish i had some pictures of linda, the girls, and i. that was a big part of the night too. that and the awesome speech i gave at the end of the night in steve's kitchen that ended with me dropping to the floor in laughter. forgot what half of it was about. it was huge. like an address not a speech.
midnight was great.
everything that makes me happy was at new years. beer, music, and the lady