Goodbye Heinz. r.i.p.

Sep 09, 2007 19:23

So, I really wanted the other night to be a regular night. Me and Jakob were just going to McDonalds after playing some Guitar Hero. If you guys know the Waters and Hanley intersection, its basically the most dangerous intersection in all of Tampa because people don't fucking pay attention. Where coming back from Hillsborough, and about to go through the light (Which is green), and I remember thinking "Hmm, I wonder why that guy has no lights on and his hazards are on." That thought was cut short by me going "Oh my God" and Jakob yelling "What the hell is he doing" and us crashing with an airbag exploding in my face.

So yeah, after some daze and confusion I get out of my car, and ofcourse the driver is one of those ghetto latin kids with that long hair in some headband contraption in the low down to the ground cars. He comes out screaming at me in spanish me telling me that my light is red.. and as I look up, the light is STILL green and i scream at him is spanish "My light is green man?" as it turns yellow. He shuts up as the police come by and a total change of character asking me in his perfect english "Are you alright?" "Yes.." i say, with an asshole look on my face, and ofcourse the only witness to the crime, is his friend! HOW CONVINENT, HMPH? YOU THINK THE WITNESS WILL DEFEND ME? OFCOURSE HE WONT. He told the officer i ran the red light, which is really amazing, considering that if my light was red, he would have hit me as well, and also that the guy that hit me only spoke Spanish? Now, lets see... he spoke perfect english to his parents, and asked me if i was okay... in english... someone please explain the justice in this situation before I explode.

You think that A light i drive through everyday, I would notice if it was red, and anyone who drives with me, even knows i wont run a fucking yellow. So yeah, im taking it to court, because its rediculous, and the police officers were so incompident. They didnt take statements from any drivers, and did not check for one DUI, nor did they send an ambulence. REDICULOUS, anyways, heres some photos.

p.s. don't listen to bright eyes' "At the bottom of everything" when you drive. It won't turn out well.

car, bullshit

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